Information Table Staffing
Info booth at PINN VC, East or West
Any weekend day, flexible times
Salinas Valley Fair
May 18-21
San Benito County Fair
Sept 29-Oct 2
Board of Directors Positions
We currently have 3 Director positions open. We are looking for people who are passionate about Pinnacles National Park, have some experience in directing non-profit organizations, and have approximately 10 hours per quarter available to volunteer. We are also looking for people who have some experience in development/ fundraising and friendraising!
Our board meets every other month in Hollister (some members attend by phone) and communicates by email.
Community Event Help
Occasionally we have opportunities to volunteer at community events to earn non-profit partner donations for Pinnacles National Park Foundation. If you are interested in joining one of these events, please let us know. We will list upcoming event opportunities here when we have more information.
Special Event Help
Throughout the year we host special events at Pinnacles National Park. We need help planning, shopping, setting up, and cleaning up for these events. We also appreciate help at the welcome table, membership information table, and food buffet when applicable.
There is a job for everyone! If you can help, please contact us!
Upcoming Events:
Community Event Help
Occasionally we have opportunities to volunteer at community events to earn non-profit partner donations for Pinnacles National Park Foundation. If you are interested in joining one of these events, please let us know. We will list upcoming event opportunities here when we have more information.