Ways To Give


Ways to Give

Pick the method below that’s right for you, right now. PNPF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and our taxpayer identification number is 76-0849623.

Monthly Giving

Monthly giving is easy, effective and affordable. Simply choose “monthly” when you donate online and the rest is taken care of. You can set it and forget it knowing that you are a sustaining donor helping to protect Pinnacles National Park today, and in the future!

Corporate Matching

Double your donation!
Many companies match both gifts and volunteer service time their employees donate to charities. This is an easy way for you to amplify your gift for a bigger impact. Just fill out your employer’s matching gift form and submit online or send to:
Pinnacles National Park Foundation
PO Box 2080
Hollister, CA 95024
PNPF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Our taxpayer identification number is 76-0849623.

IRA Charitable Rollover Gifts (Qualified Charitable Distributions)

Legislation allowing tax-free IRA gifts from individuals age 70 1/2 years or older was made permanent in December 2015. Distributions of up to $100,000 per person per year must be made directly from your IRA to PNPF and count toward your required minimum distribution. Checks often arrive without identification, so please notify us of your gift at info [at] pinnaclesfoundation.org or (831) 313-3344 and indicate your name, the name of your IRA administrator and the amount of your distribution.

Tribute or Honorary Gifts

If you would like to make a memorial or honorary gift, indicate your honoree when you donate online. Your honoree or their loved one can be notified and recognized in our newsletter.